Reading Horizons Review: Hollen Carpenter
Institution: Cleveland County Schools
State: North Carolina
I fell in love immediately when Shantell presented Reading Horizons to our initial group. I begged and begged my principal for it...but luck got me! I was given a kit by our district office! Our … more
Grade Level: Elementary, Secondary
Reading Horizons Review: Bernice Yanez
Institution: Premier High School
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
I would just like to write a few lines to let you all know that I have worked with Reading Horizons over the past four years. I am a Special Education Teacher at a Charter school in San Antonio, … more
Grade Level: Secondary
Reading Horizons Review: JaNan Straznicky
Institution: Hawkins ISD
State: Texas
After months of considering several different phonics programs; Hawkins Elementary, chose Reading Horizons. It had all of the components that we felt like our kids needed to build a strong phonics … more
Grade Level: Elementary, Secondary
Reading Horizons Review: Kim Gerbich
Institution: Barrow Elementary
State: Texas
My kids have really "bought" into this program! They love to use their white boards for dictation and decoding strategies. They are always so eager to show their work and then check it to see if it … more
Grade Level: Elementary, Secondary
Reading Horizons Review: Janine Walker Caffrey
State: New Jersey
Job Title: District Administrator
We are using Reading Horizons as our phonics program of choice in all of our schools in the district from elementary through high school. It’s really important for us to teach phonics because many of … more
Grade Level: Elementary, Secondary
Tessie Williams
Institution: Tallassee City Schools System
City: Tallassee
State: Alabama
As the Curriculum Coordinator for the district, I have witnessed this program change the way teachers teach reading. The teachers have expressed their excitement for this program and shared student … more
Grade Level: Elementary, Secondary
Jennifer Allen
Institution: Bremen City Schools
City: Bremen
State: Georgia
Reading Horizons gives students a tangible and concrete formula to follow when engaging in the often mysterious process of reading. When teachers implement the Reading Horizons methodology with … more
Grade Level: Elementary, Secondary