February 26, 2019

Reading Horizons Review: Hollen Carpenter

Tags: Direct Instruction, ESL Instruction, Implementation, K-12 Intervention, Methodology, Results, Software

I fell in love immediately when Shantell presented Reading Horizons to our initial group. I begged and begged my principal for it...but luck got me! I was given a kit by our district office! Our school bought one more kit for the other reading interventionist at our school, and I'm thrilled to learn that Reading Horizons will touch every one of our K-1 students next year through core instruction!!! I am a huge believer in its possibilities....I am witnessing changes in my Tier III students, AND my two new students from Jordan...yes...JORDAN!! This has been an exciting and unique experience watching them grasp our linguistics through Reading Horizons.

Two years ago, Jacob would've NEVER put on a shirt that said, "I'd Rather Be Reading!"

Jacob is now in the 4th grade. He is making tremendous strides in his reading. He finally sees himself as a reader and takes pride in his growth. Two years ago, Jacob sent me on a crusade. After finding so many crevasses, bear traps, and dead ends we found it. Jacob was able to "pull the sword from the stone." Jacob knows that he will always have that "glitch," dyslexia to contend with. However, he perseveres everyday. His Excalibur will help him vanquish those barriers, created by language, in order to fulfill his destiny as a reader. I appreciate Reading Horizons for being so supportive, and creating a curriculum for my kids like Jacob. I see it working for so many. Had I not accepted his quest, I would've never discovered RH. Jacob's plight has helped so many kids, and will continue to do so for many many years. 

Last night, Jacob was recognized as one of the winners of the Carl DeBrew HERO Award. I felt so much joy telling an audience full of educators, school administration and board members, community leaders, and parents Jacob's story of perseverance. 

Thank you so much for the T-shirt. I presented it to him when I gave my introduction of him at the banquet. He wore it today to school. He looks like a version of Superman.

Grade Level: Elementary, Secondary