Contents tagged with SuccessStory-NorthCarolina

  • Jamie Williams

    Tags: SuccessStory-NorthCarolina

    Institution: C.B. Eller Elementary School

    State: North Carolina

    Job Title: Teacher

    I love teaching letter groups and then making words after each group so they are learning how to blend and make words even before they know all letters and sounds. I love the c/k rule and students … more

  • Ava Bradley

    Tags: SuccessStory-NorthCarolina

    Institution: Cleveland County Schools

    State: North Carolina

    Job Title: Teacher

    I have been really pleased with how well [Reading Horizons] has worked for them to use the same thing for intervention as they use for core instruction. I feel like my students are having a much … more

  • Maggie Nelson

    Tags: SuccessStory-NorthCarolina

    City: Literacy Council of Union County

    State: North Carolina

    Job Title: Teacher

    My students' test scores have all gone through the roof, and RH is the only thing different from last year. Confidence levels, accuracy, everything has gone up. The student who made the most … more