March 01, 2019

Sister Nadine Buchanan

Tags: Software, Student Stories

One student who was going through the workbook after finishing the computer lesson was so excited when she saw that the material to be covered in the workbook lesson was just what she needed! She is progressing very nicely!

Another student, who is in his 60s, has done well through the years with his career, but he’s always had difficulty with reading. Once he began using Reading Horizons, it was very evident that he had never had previous phonics instruction. The program has taught him skills and given him useful tools in attacking unknown words. He’s very pleased.

One student, Martha*, says that what she likes best about the program is getting the sounds and then making the words. It’s such a difference from just using a book. She also likes the fact that she can go back and practice the sounds whenever she wants.

Students Reyna* and Ann* like this program because they can see, hear, say, and write the word.  They’ve learned so much in just a few weeks. They love the program!

*Names have been changed

Grade Level: Adult Ed