February 27, 2019

Research: Simpson Elementary

Summary of Findings

After receiving Reading Horizons instruction over the 2014–2015 school year, every student in the study demonstrated reading improvement. At the start of the year, 54% of the students showed need for intensive support (based on DIBELS Next assessment scores). At the end of the school year, 91% of students were reading above benchmark.


Twenty-two first grade, mainstream elementary school students received instruction in the Reading Horizons program for one year (2014–2015).


The Reading Horizons Discovery software and direct instruction materials and the DIBELS Next assessment.


Prior to Reading Horizons Discovery instruction, the DIBELS Next assessment was administered to 22 first grade mainstream students. The assessment was administered again at the middle and end of the school year to measure reading improvement.

***The research (above) is based on the Reading Horizons® elementary reading curriculum. Click here to learn more about our complete reading curriculum.***

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