February 27, 2019

Princeton School District

***In addition to the special education reading program (referenced in the research below), Reading Horizons® also provides supplemental reading curriculum including an elementary reading program for grades K-3, a reading intervention program for students in K-12, and an ESL reading program. There is also a reading program for corrections.***

Summary of Findings

All students made gains in reading skills during Reading Horizons instruction as measured by three different assessments administered pre-to-post instruction. All assessments used in the study have moving benchmarks from the beginning to the end of the school year. Even within the framework of the moving benchmarks, some students in the study made significant gains, matching or exceeding what is expected for typically developing students.


Five elementary school students who were receiving special education services received instruction in the Reading Horizons program for one year. Participants included one student in fourth grade, two students in third grade, and two students in second grade.


Reading Horizons method and multiple assessments.


Scores from three assessments measured growth from pre-instruction to post-instruction. Students were assessed prior to using the program and at the end of one school year of instruction. Assessments included: (a) Accelerated Reader (AR) grade equivalents; (b) Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) Lexile® scores; and (c) Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) measuring words per minute and accuracy.

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