February 26, 2019

Reading Horizons Review: Marla Atkinson

I love Reading Horizons because the lessons engage all students in learning the phonetic elements found in the words and skills they need to master in order to become successful readers. This year I have 28 students in my first grade classroom. These are wonderful students yet they have both academic and behavioral concerns to overcome. In August the DIBELS Assessment data showed that 61.5% of my students were intensive, 19.2% were strategic, and 19.2% were at benchmark ready for first grade curriculum. Reading Horizons has provided an additional exposure to phonic patterns and skills my students truly needed and continue to need. The engagement of participation is so high that I know my students are learning. The benchmark 2 DIBELS Assessment has just been completed and I am so pleased with the results. We have learned SO MUCH and so many of my students are changing their behavior because they are successful in reading, in learning, and self esteem is rising! It is amazing how a child's behavior changes once they begin to read with ease and fluency. I now have 67.9% of my students at benchmark level, 17.9% are strategic, and only 14.3% are still intensive. We have turned our graph upside down and the numbers are even better! I love being a teacher of beginning readers. I know how much time, practice, and the number of exposures these children need to master a concept. Thank you, Reading Horizons, for giving one more GREAT exposure in the process of becoming fluent readers.

Grade Level: Elementary