March 01, 2019

Reading Horizons Review: Marie Johns

Tags: Direct Instruction, Implementation, Methodology, Results, Software

Sally, one of our reading students, has continued to increase her reading skills through our Reading Connection program for Adults. She has become more confident and fluent in her reading and has taken that confidence outside the tutoring room. Sally wanted to learn to read so that she would no longer be passed over to read Scripture in her Sunday School class. Now, every time Sally comes in for tutoring, she lets us know that she read in Sunday School the past Sunday. Her pride of accomplishment is always evident by the huge smile on her face. Sally is in her late sixties and her motivation for continuing her reading program comes from a promise she made to her parents before they passed away several years ago. She promised them she would get her GED. In order to fulfill this promise, she knew that she would need to improve her reading skills. So, Sally signed up for the Reading Connection program at The Refuge. After her reading improved she felt that it was time to sign up for the GED. She now attends GED classes Monday - Friday from 8:00 to 11:00 am. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, she comes to the Refuge to work on reading from 11:30 - 12:30 Sally is very faithful in her attendance even though she has to travel a good distance to attend the reading and GED classes. I wish all adult students had her enthusiasm, faithfulness, and positive outlook on completing the goal of being able to read more fluently and with comprehension. It’s a joy just to see her each and every session.

Grade Level: Adult Ed