February 27, 2019

Research: Lionel Middle School

Summary of Findings

Linguistically diverse middle school students gained an average of 2.5 levels on the Word Recognition Assessment after six weeks of Reading Horizons instruction during a summer school program.


A school district in the southern United States implemented a pilot program to track the effectiveness of Reading Horizons direct instruction and computer courseware. Fifteen middle school students participated in a six-week ELL program over the summer, during which they received Reading Horizons instruction. All participants were linguistically diverse and learning English.


Reading Horizons direct instruction, Reading Horizons interactive software, and a teacher trained in the Reading Horizons method.


The Reading Horizons program was administered for one hour a day, four days a week, for six weeks.

***The findings on this page are based on the Reading Horizons reading intervention program which is included in our full reading curriculum.***

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