February 27, 2019

Research: Lane Elementary

Summary of Findings

Students made nearly double the progress by using Reading Horizons as compared to the progress they made prior to Reading Horizons use. Students retained reading skills and continued to make progress after completing the Reading Horizons program.


Five elementary school students who were not proficient in spoken English when they began school received Reading Horizons instruction. Scores on the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) before, during, and after Reading Horizons instruction were reported.


Reading Horizons direct instruction materials, Reading Horizons interactive software, a teacher trained in the Reading Horizons method, and longitudinal scores from an assessment used consistently across school years.


Student A: DRA scores reported from the end of kindergarten to the beginning of fifth grade; received Reading Horizons instruction in third to fifth grade.

Student B: DRA scores reported from the beginning of kindergarten to the beginning of fourth grade; received Reading Horizons instruction in third to fourth grade.

Student C: DRA scores reported from the middle of kindergarten to the middle of third grade; received Reading Horizons instruction in second grade.

Students D and E: DRA scores reported from the beginning of second grade to the middle of fourth grade; received Reading Horizons instruction in second to third grade.


In addition to ELL reading instruction, Reading Horizons® also provides complete reading curriculum including explicit phonics instruction for elementary schools, and reading intervention for struggling students.

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