February 25, 2019

Research: Iron Springs Elementary School

Summary of Findings

Students who received Reading Horizons instruction scored higher as a group on both criterion-referenced tests and norm-referenced tests than did students at a comparison school who did not receive Reading Horizons instruction. Additionally, teacher and student surveys showed positive attitudes about Reading Horizons use.


The state office of education tasked an independent research firm to investigate the impact of Reading Horizons implementation on the reading outcomes of elementary students.


Reading Horizons direct instruction materials, Reading Horizons interactive software, teachers trained in the Reading Horizons method, and a school-wide educator mentor with specialization in reading instruction.


Kindergarten through third grade teachers participated in training in the Reading Horizons program. Student achievement outcome data were gathered via multiple assessments (criterion-referenced and norm-referenced) and were compared with data from a control school similar in socioeconomic status and in suburban extent. Teachers and students also participated in surveys and interviews.

***The research on this page is based on the Reading Horizons® explicit phonics instruction. Follow this link to learn more about our reading curriculum.***

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