Grade Levels

Teacher from Hawaii

Teacher, Waiawa, Hawaii

I am working with 3 ELL students who went from not being able to identify all the letters of the alphabet or their phonics, to reading the problems by themselves within a 2 month period

Jessica Duke

Teacher, Fayette County Public Schools, Georgia

The skills taught in Reading Horizons are empowering for my students, especially the Phonetic Skills and Decoding Skills. After the students learn these skills, they are able to decode so many words.. …

June Underwood

Program Coordinator, Georgia Military College, Georgia

It is a great program that strengthens weak readers by allowing students to progress at their own rate and skill level. The progression of skills taught is incremental allowing students to have …

Jennifer Zills

District Special Services Coordinator, Columbia County Schools, Georgia

Utilizing the county reading benchmark program data (not RH data), students had an average of 96% growth from the Fall to the Winter Benchmark. RH data indicated an average 326 Lexile gain for …

Debbie Wale

Reading Coach, Collier County, Florida

I have two groups of second graders that see me two times a week. We review the vowel sounds, phonetic skills and decoding skills. Fourteen out of our sixteen students have increased their reading …

Cheryl Beauchamp

Principal, Levy County, Florida

This school year we have had many districts and schools visit us for other reasons, however, what becomes apparent to them quickly is our Phonics program. They immediately want to know what we use …

Margaret Ann Calcutta

Teacher, St. John The Evangelist, Florida

I am very excited to teach this program. I love it! I am so happy for all of the software opportunities. I feel so blessed to have a program that can help my children who have difficulty with reading …

Stacey Treut

Reading Interventionist, Colonial School District, Delaware

Our Tier 3 reading groups are working at higher levels that they have in the past due to having an explicit phonics program in our core reading!

Stacy Aronson

Reading Interventionist, South Windsor Public Schools, Connecticut

I began seeing a third grader for reading intervention...I started using RH to boost his phonics and fluency. He was dismissed from reading intervention because all of his benchmark assessment were …