March 01, 2019

Reading Horizons Review: Eden Shirk

Tags: K-12 Intervention, Student Stories

Reading Horizons is creating a difference in the lives of students which makes this program priceless. A student born premature and weighing 2 lbs struggles both visually and cognitively. Yet, he understands Reading Horizons.  The student is now able to write sentences. The hearing and consulting teacher is floored by his progress. His mother has cried tears of joy! This student no longer needs to be pulled out of his classroom for special reading services and is moving on to the first grade. I am privileged to be affiliated with a program as powerful as Reading Horizons.

Being a former teacher, I have laid in bed at night and wondered about students that have walked through my classroom door. Many of them still struggled with reading by the time they came to me in upper elementary. As much as I tried, I did not have a proper tool to help these students. Now that I am a Reading Horizons trainer, it has become my mission to help transform teachers into reading specialists. I give them the tools to "save" the students I couldn't. Teaching someone to read, especially students who struggle, is the greatest gift.

***The success story above is based on the Reading Horizons explicit phonics instruction taught in thousands of school districts around the country. Reading Horizons publishes a complete set of reading curriculum such as ELL reading instruction for non-English-born speakers and a reading intervention program for struggling readers.***

Grade Level: Elementary