February 27, 2019

Reading Horizons Review: Carol Gibson

Tags: Direct Instruction, Implementation, K-12 Intervention, Results, Special Education, Student Stories

I am a special education teacher for grade 6-8. I have sucess stories for every student that I have exposed to RH Elevate. One of my favorites is a student that came to me in 6th grade. He knew a few sight words and that was it. He is in 8th grade, reading fluently at a fourth grade level and is fully included in general education lanuage arts class. Last year my group of 6th graders that are now in 7th grade who recieved RHE instruction all of 6th and 1 semester of the 7th grade, were all full included in general education language arts and math. Of these student, only one is not reading fluently at grade level. My students have gained such confidence in thier reading skills that they have taken more acedemic calculated risks like being actively engaged in class, participating in class discussions, and volunteering to read out loud in class. When reporting growth to parents, they are thrilled with the gains thier child has made as thier child has rarely made progress so quickly. They often report that thier child now looks forward to coming to school. I am still in awe about how effective RHE has been for my students.

***Learn more about the reading curriculum referenced in the review above. It uses the structured literacy approach which is considered by many experts to be the best way to learn to read. Here is a link to one of many reading horizons reviews we thought you'd enjoy.***

Grade Level: Secondary