February 27, 2019

Reading Horizons Review: Candice Bixman Murphy

Tags: Direct Instruction, Implementation, K-12 Intervention, Methodology, Results, Student Stories

We have MANY success stories. This month's: A former student left the country a year ago (December 2015) and returned January 2017. After being enrolled in her respective classes, she requested that she one be changed and she be placed back in Reading Horizons. She felt it helped her so much. That was arranged; she is attending RH and performing very well. She is motivated and making steady gains. It's so rewarding to witness...the desire, the enthusiasm and the growth. She loves the program and I very much love the program!

Last year I had an 8th Grade student who was enrolled in Reading Horizons based on his WIDA score. He was a strong student and performed well throughout the year. He started at a Grade 6.7 Lexile Level which was below his grade level, but he had strong skills. After one semester, I felt he did not necessarily need further support and gave him the option of exiting out of the program – and choosing another elective. He did not want/choose to do this.

This student really loved what -- and how -- he was learning. He was actively engaged every day and I believe, reaped a great deal of personal satisfaction from his successes. Again, he was a strong student, but still felt he was learning things of value to him – especially when we got to involved, multi-syllable words. This was pure fun for him!

At semester, his lexile had grown to Grade 7.7. He was not pleased with this – really thought he could do better. He was very, very motivated to grow this. I waited a month and let him re-test the lexile assessment. What HUGE growth we saw… In April, he tested @ Grade 12.9 reading level. He was stunned – and SO EXCITED. That was a growth of 6.3 years in seven months.

I do believe he went off to high school believing he could take on the work load -- and be successful in anything he endeavored. Reading Horizons was very much a part of that.

***The reading curriculum, referenced in the review above, teaches structured literacy and has helped hundreds of thousands of students improve their reading scores. Here is another online reading horizons review you may be interested in.***

Grade Level: Secondary