February 27, 2019

Research: Bailey Middle School

***The research findings below are based on the Reading Horizons reading intervention curriculum that focuses on explicit phonics instruction***

Summary of Findings

Following Reading Horizons instruction, underperforming middle school students improved reading skills as measured by nationally normed tests.


A middle school resource teacher implemented the Reading Horizons program with 185 students. Pre- and post-test scores for all of the students were gathered before and after the students had used the Reading Horizons interactive software.


Reading Horizons software and direct instruction materials, multiple assessments, and a teacher trained in the Reading Horizons method.


Bailey Middle School used multiple assessments, such as KPREP, Discovery Education, and MAP, to identify at-risk students. It began using Reading Horizons as an intervention for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students in the bottom 10th percentile. The students used the program daily and stayed in the program until they tested above the 10th percentile or tested out of the program.

Outcome data was recorded for 185 students who received Reading Horizons instruction during their 6th, 7th, or 8th grade school year. MAP and AIMSweb MAZE tests were administered at the start (fall), middle (winter), and end (spring) of the school year. Some students moved during the study and others had data missing. MAP scores for all three data points were reported for 141 of the students. Complete AIMSweb MAZE data was reported for 157 of the students.

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