Reading Horizons Review: Alex Miller
Reading Horizons provides differential opportunities for students identified with reading challenges. A student transferred into our school reading on a kindergarten level (per the FIE). He is currently selecting books to read on/over his instructional level. Although with minimal exposure to the program he is reading on a 2.0 level (almost 4 months of use). The workbooks are helpful to use and school and home to continue support across multiple settings.
Working with students on varying modalities comes with challenges. Reading Horizons provides many of my struggling reading the ability to improve their reading independently. I have been working with a
***The review (above) references the Reading Horizons reading intervention program for grades 4+. Reading Horizons also has other types of reading curriculum including a structured literacy program for grades K-3, a special education program, a reading program for ESL, an adult literacy program, and a reading program for corrections. ***
Grade Level: Secondary